Ripple’s ongoing legal battle with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is expected to remain secure until at least 2026, even if the SEC decides to file an appeal. This delayed resolution could allow Ripple’s institutional partners to continue utilizing the XRP token without significant disruptions. Legal expert Rispoli has highlighted that the trial court’s ruling offers strong protection for Ripple and its partners, lessening the pressure from the SEC.

Why an SEC Appeal May Not Matter
Although the possibility of an SEC appeal remains, Rispoli argues that it has “lessened the sting” for Ripple, as the SEC is now focusing more on exchanges and other tokens it considers unregistered securities. If Ripple or XRP faces challenges in the future, it likely won’t stem solely from this SEC case, further reducing concerns about the impact of an appeal.

SEC’s Appeal Still Uncertain
Jeremy Hogan, another legal expert, has noted that the SEC has not yet confirmed whether it will pursue an appeal. Hogan estimates a 60% chance of the SEC appealing but warns that doing so could backfire. Given the SEC’s unique approach to litigation, its next steps are somewhat unpredictable. However, an appeal, if filed, would not change Ripple’s standing before 2026.

Institutional Partners Remain Unaffected
Rispoli emphasized that Ripple’s institutional partners benefit from the security provided by the current court ruling. This legal protection allows them to continue using XRP without interruption, despite the looming possibility of an appeal. The appeal process itself would not affect Ripple’s legal standing for at least two more years, giving both Ripple and its partners stability in the near future.

Federal Legislation Could Override SEC Case
Rispoli also pointed out that upcoming federal legislation could potentially render the SEC’s case irrelevant. As Congress debates new regulations for the cryptocurrency industry, the legal framework surrounding digital assets like XRP may shift significantly before the SEC’s case reaches a conclusion.

Ripple’s Favorable Position for the Future
With its legal victory likely secure until 2026, Ripple is well-positioned to continue its operations without disruption. Even if the SEC appeals, Ripple’s current protection ensures that XRP can be used by institutional partners for the foreseeable future. The potential for new federal laws on cryptocurrency regulation may further solidify Ripple’s standing in the long term.

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