In a highly anticipated interview on Elon Musk’s social media platform, X, former President Donald Trump and Musk delved into critical economic topics, including inflation, trade policies, nuclear power, and education. Surprisingly, the conversation steered clear of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, leaving the crypto community curious about the omission, especially given both figures’ connections to the digital currency sector.

Key Economic Discussions Take Center Stage

During the interview, Trump did not shy away from critiquing the current administration’s handling of inflation. He emphasized that “people have been absolutely decimated” by rising prices and called for immediate measures to reduce costs. Trump’s concerns extended to the operational inefficiencies of federal agencies, such as the FDA and the Department of Education, echoing Musk’s frustration with slow drug approvals and bureaucratic roadblocks.

Musk, in turn, proposed the creation of a “government efficiency commission” aimed at streamlining federal operations and cutting through bureaucratic red tape. He expressed a willingness to play an active role in this initiative, a suggestion that piqued Trump’s interest. Musk’s idea reflects his continued interest in administrative reforms, a topic he has engaged with during his advisory roles in Trump’s previous administration.

Musk’s X Platform Faces Major DDoS Attack

The interview faced an unexpected challenge as Musk’s X platform encountered a significant Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack just before the event. Despite extensive stress testing, the platform struggled with the surge, reaching a peak of 8 million concurrent listeners. Musk reassured users via a tweet that the platform managed the unprecedented traffic, but the incident caused a noticeable delay in the interview’s start time.


The interview between Elon Musk and Donald Trump provided valuable insights into their views on the United States’ economic challenges and the inefficiencies of federal agencies. While the decision to skip cryptocurrency discussions was unexpected, the conversation shed light on pressing issues like inflation and potential government reforms. Musk’s proposal for a government efficiency commission could signal a new chapter in political collaboration, aiming to create a more streamlined and effective government structure in the future.

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