
Brazilian neobank Nubank has partnered with payments platform Lightspark to offer the Bitcoin Lightning Network to its 100 million customers across Latin America, marking a significant step in enhancing cryptocurrency accessibility in the region.
Partnership Details and Future Plans

On June 25, Lightspark announced its collaboration with Nubank to initiate the integration of the Bitcoin Lightning Network. This partnership aims to develop new products and services, with more updates expected in the future. As part of the integration, Lightspark will incorporate the Universal Money Address standard, a system that allows users to send and receive money using an email-like address, simplifying the process of cryptocurrency transactions.
Nubank’s Commitment to Blockchain Technology

Thomaz Fortes, Executive Director of Nubank Cripto, highlighted that this integration aligns with Nubank’s strategy to provide higher-speed, low-cost transfers via blockchain technology. This move reflects Nubank’s commitment to leveraging advanced technologies to enhance financial services for its customers.
Lightspark’s Role and Vision

Lightspark, co-founded in 2022 by former PayPal president David Marcus, focuses on building Lightning Network infrastructure for enterprises. The integration with Nubank represents a “significant milestone” for Lightspark, potentially increasing overall network usage during a critical period.
Nubank’s Cryptocurrency Initiatives

Nubank, backed by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, supports trading of 14 cryptocurrencies and has partnered with stablecoin issuer Circle to expand access to USD Coin (USDC). Launched in May 2022, Nubank’s cryptocurrency services included allocating 1% of its net assets to Bitcoin, demonstrating its proactive approach to cryptocurrency adoption.
Market Presence and Trading Volume

Nubank serves approximately 92 million customers in Brazil, with the remaining 8 million primarily in Mexico and Colombia. Kaiko Research data indicates that most cryptocurrency trading volume in the region is facilitated in Brazilian real trading pairs, followed by the Mexican, Argentinian, and Colombian pesos.

By integrating the Bitcoin Lightning Network, Nubank is poised to revolutionize cryptocurrency transactions for its extensive customer base in Latin America. This partnership with Lightspark signifies a crucial step in making digital currency more accessible and efficient in the region.

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